Vaccinating is an important choice, with ramifications not only for the person getting the vaccinations but for the greater community as well. Because of this, it is important for physicians to encourage dialogue about vaccines with patients and their families, so that any choices made will be informed choices, based upon science.
According to the World Health Organization, there are vaccines to prevent more than 20 life threatening diseases preventing 2 to 3 million deaths per year. Wow! Let that sink in for a moment.
Unfortunately, immunizations can cause anxiety amongst adults and their children. Here at Genexa, we want you to feel good about what makes your patients feel better.
During vaccinations - knowledge is power, so never underestimate the power of educating parents on this important preventative step towards a healthy lifestyle. For the patients, distraction when administering vaccines like music or offering a child a toy or game can really help, and a sticker goes a long way in returning a smile to a child’s face post vaccination.
It is important to remind parents how vaccines work to understand what should and should not be done to ensure a successful outcome. The immune system protects the body from pathogens, or germs that cause disease. A vaccine acts as an “imposter” of sorts to mimic a pathogen setting the immune system into action without making one sick. This “primes the pump” so the immune system is ready to act should one be exposed to the real pathogen in the future.
To maximize the response from the immune system, it is recommended the body be in a “normal” state and not altered by any OTC medications potentially reducing symptoms for the immune system to recognize and fight against. This is where our five “U’s” come in!
UNDERSTAND for best results, it is recommended to wait until after vaccinations to take an OTC medication to alleviate side effects. Vaccines have varying levels of side effects which, for the most part, are minor and temporary. The most common side effects from any vaccine are soreness, swelling, and redness at the injection site. Some individuals may even experience a low-grade fever which is a good indicator the body is responding appropriately and building immunities. It is important to note if an OTC medication is taken for a pre-existing condition, patients should consult with their physician about continuing to do so prior to vaccination.
USE your in-office sample supply of
to send home with patients should they need temporary relief from pain following a vaccination.
to provide proper dosage instructions to patients and their families. It is important to know the child’s weight in determining the correct amount of medication to administer.
UPDATE patient records once the vaccination is complete. This is a great opportunity to remind patients to keep up to date vaccine history should it be required for school registration, travel, or even a job application.
UNWIND and acknowledge the steps you are taking to promote good health amongst your patients and their families. Both the
offer a wealth of information regarding the importance and safety of timely vaccine administration.
No parent wants their child to be sick or in pain. But when they are, it is a relief for parents to have an option for clean medicine - medicine with the same active ingredient but without any artificial fillers and artificial flavors. And it helps that kids say Genexa Kids’ Pain & Fever tastes great! One provider in our HCP community says, “My pediatric patients look forward to taking the acetaminophen despite being sick because they love the taste so much”. - Po Lang, MSN, FNP | Family Nurse Practitioner | Olive Wellness.
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About Genexa
We’re Genexa and we’re the first clean medicine company. Founded by two dads on a mission to revolutionize the medicine aisle, Genexa makes medicine with the same active ingredients people need, but without the artificial inactive ones they don’t. We believe people deserve a clean choice. That’s why our business is built on the commitment to put people over everything. All of our products are made to the highest standards of clean with no artificial dyes, common allergens, or unnecessary synthetic ingredients. It’s real medicine, made clean. Learn how we’re putting people over everything, in everything we do, at